ADOPTED! LAYLA…30 lbs and 14 weeks of CUTENESS!!!

12191058_981928851851087_8624151572678029015_nAt 14 weeks Lay­la weighs almost 30 lbs and will like­ly tip the scale at around 100+ lbs once she matures. Lay­la is Pick­et’s sib­ling and is cur­rent­ly in a fos­ter home in North Van­cou­ver. Lay­la is great with old­er kids and oth­er dogs. She loves to play and explore. Lay­la will need a Mala­mute expe­ri­enced home. Please vis­it our avail­able pet-list for details and the type of home we are look­ing for. Appli­ca­tion, ref­er­ences, home-vis­it and adop­tion dona­tion apply. Cross Our Paws Res­cue does not adopt across the bor­der and pup­pies are placed with­in the Van­cou­ver Low­er Main­land and Island…